Cook Islands Government +682 21256

Access to Benefit Sharing

QUICK-LINKS:  Convention of BD    BD in the Cook Islands    BD Resources
Ridge to Reef   Access and Benefit Sharing 

Access to Benefit Sharing  (L to R)
Emily Pierre,  Project Manager, National Environment Service
Elizabeth Munro, Biodiversity Officer, National Environment Service
Maureen Hilyard, Policy Analyst, Development Consultant
Mathilda Miria-Tairea,
Legal Advisor
Julie Taripo-Shedden, Media Consultant

Access to Benefit Sharing Clearing house  (link to the ABS section of the Convention of Biological Diversity)
ABS Initiative – Cook Islands Report (link)
ABS Project Document (UNEP)


Cook Islands Reports

Introduction to ABS in the Cook Islands – Maureen Hilyard (December 2017)
ABS – Visit to Aitutaki – Maureen Hilyard (December 2017)
Situational and Stakeholder Analysis – Maureen Hilyard (February 2018)
Consultation with the Northern Group Islands – Maureen Hilyard (April 2018)
Consultation with the Southern Group Islands – Maureen Hilyard (May 2018)
Cook Islands ABS Workshop – Thursday 13 December 2018 (webpage)


Video Recordings of the Pa Enua visits (by Julie Taripo-Shedden)

(available from Cook Islands TV and Radio)
ABS Consultation in Ngaputoru (Mauke, Mitiaro and Atiu)
ABS Northern Group Consultation (Pukapuka, Manihiki, Rakahanga, Penrhyn)
ABS Policy Analysts News


Legislation  & Regulations

Traditional Knowledge Act
FINAL DRAFT: Access and Benefit Sharing Policy 2018
Convention of Biodiversity
Bonn Guidelines
National Implementation Fact Sheet
Ratification Fact Sheet
How NOT to negotiate ABS agreements
The Nagoya Protocol – Maureen Hilyard (ppt)


Media Articles

Meetings focus on Maori medicine – CI News, 20 November 2018
Spotlight on Maori medicine – CI News, 23 April 2018
Tiare week speech contest tricky for judges –  CI News, 01 December 2017
Top students in speech contest – CI News, 27 November 2017
Four colleges in speech contest – CI News, 27 November 2017
Spotlight on Pacific biodiversity – CI News, 18 May 2016
Nature’s systems vital to survival of our ‘paradise’– CI News, 18 May 2018
Cook Islands launches Access and Benefit Sharing Project – UNDP, 16 May 2016
Leading the way in biodiversity control – CI News , 13 May 2016