Cook Islands Government +682 21256

Protected Areas

In the Cook Islands today, there are National Parks and Conservation Areas that aim to conserve species primarily for their survival rather than as a resource to be replenished. Reserves exist on specific locations on various islands. Suwarrow… Read More

Invasive Species 1

Coral reefs are undergoing a worldwide crisis and being lost at an alarming rate. Climate change, overfishing, and pollution are all taking their toll, but some corals face an additional problem: they are being eaten alive. In May 2013,… Read More

Traditional Plants 1

Traditional and Herbal Medicine in the Cook Islands by W. Arthur Whistler (1985) describes the research he carried out on the practice of “Maori medicine” in the Cook Islands alongside native healers who used a variety of herbal medicines… Read More

ABS Update

Final ABS community consultations (November 2018) The ABS project team has recently completed the last of their community consultations after holding sessions in the three vaka on Rarotonga – Puaikura, Takitumu and Te Au o Tonga. Although the… Read More